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GuidesTesting Sidetrack

Testing Sidetrack

Sidetrack provides multiple test utilities function under the SidetrackTest class.

The SidetrackTest class extends all the functions under Sidetrack, but also exposes these helpful utils:

  1. runJob
  2. runJobs
  3. listJobs
  4. listJobStatuses

Here’s some common scenarios when testing your background jobs.

Running a job

In your tests, if you don’t run sidetrack.start(), then Sidetrack won’t poll your database for new jobs. You can manually run a job with the runJob function.

import { } from "sidetrack"; import { , } from "vitest"; ("job runs", async () => { const = new <{ : { : string }; }>({ : { : .["DATABASE_URL"]!, }, : { : { : async (, ) => { .("ran job"); }, }, }, }); const = await .("userOnboarding", { : "", }); // this job stays in scheduled and won't be run because we haven't run sidetrack.start() ((await .(.)).).("scheduled"); // You decide when to run the job await .(.); ((await .(.)).).("completed"); });

Running jobs in a queue

While runJob only allows you to run a single job, often you may want to run all the jobs on a queue.

import { } from "sidetrack"; const = new <{ : { : string }; }>({ : { : .["DATABASE_URL"]!, }, : { : { : async (, ) => { .("ran job"); }, }, }, });
// You can run jobs on a single queue await .({ : "userOnboarding" });

By default, runJobs runs jobs that are scheduled in the past or present. If you want to include future jobs you may pass an option for {includeFutureJobs: true}

// Will run all jobs on this queue, including ones with scheduledAt in the future await .({ : "userOnboarding", : true });

Listing jobs

You may want to assert that certain jobs exist on a queue(s). listJob accepts a single queue or list of queues, and returns a list of jobs.

await .("userOnboarding", { : "" }); await .("userOnboarding", { : "" }); // You can run jobs on a single queue const = await .({ : "userOnboarding" }); // expect(jobs.length).toBe(2);

Listing job statuses

listJobStatuses provides a convenient way to know the breakdown of all the jobs and their statuses.

const = await .("userOnboarding", { : "", }); await .("userOnboarding", { : "" }); await .(.); // since we only ran job 1 // we should expect 1 job to be completed, 1 job to be in scheduled const = await .({ : "userOnboarding" }); // expect(jobs).toBeObject({ scheduled: 1, completed: 1 });
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